Published on October 30, 2003 By Karrrren In Blogging
the only things i have left in my mind are just thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts. never can be erased. never can be denied. they are just thoughts. thoughts left in my mind. i feel like i'm a failure. drowning. yes, i'm just drowning. drowning in my thoughts. one of the main things that keeps me going is my faith in GOD. no doubts. without GOD i would be broken. broken to the point of not being able to fill the hole that i've dug myself into. never. never. never. i still wish i could get in contact with my mentor. i need to talk to someone. i tried talking to GOD, but he's not answering right now. i think he's upset with me. so GOD, if you can hear me, i'm sorry...
on Oct 30, 2003
He can hear you. So don`t, give up on him, he hasn`t given up on you, so keep talking to him.
on Oct 30, 2003
God is long dead
on Dec 21, 2003
Yep He hears you. Keep the faith and don't listen to JeremyG, hes very wishie washie and is mainly brain dead. GCJ